Marketing Insights

Let’s be honest here. If no one opens your email, you’ve wasted your time writing it. As well as ALL of the brilliant content within it. Have you got time for that? Email marketing is still the #1 marketing strategy, bringing in an impressive £36…

Unread marketing emails are wasted opportunities. It’s paramount that your email stands out in a crowded inbox to get opened, and that’s precisely the role of the subject line. Adding emojis to email subject lines is an easy strategy to implement, and plenty of businesses…

Boring emails are actively disengaging. You know the kind. Dry, dreary content that doesn’t even try to get you on board. Content must be interesting and valuable to engage its audience. Making sure your emails are rich and engaging means your readers will keep reading….

Your subject line is the most important part of any email. Email subject lines are headlines, and great subject lines need to do one of two things – jump off of the screen and give us a good shake, or beckon us closer with artful…

‘I’m just too busy’. I hear this from my clients all the time. And I’d be lying if I said I was a stranger to it. Yep. The working world is fast-paced and furious. And when you spend the majority of your day doing the…

Email marketing is known for having the highest ROI of any marketing method. But that’s not the only benefit… Email can be used to educate your prospects, engage your leads, overcome objections and build a strong relationship with your potential clients and customers. In fact,…

There are lots of different types of email marketing, from nurture campaigns to upsell emails. The best results I’ve seen for my clients have come from using a mixture of different strategies. But which strategies should you use? For successful email marketing in your business,…

When it comes to marketing, it’s all about the relationships you create. Before you can even think about putting an offer in front of someone they first need to know, like, and trust you. Selling too soon simply won’t work – there’s a reason they…

I send thousands of emails per month for my clients and one thing has really stood out in recent times – emails that include video have the best engagement. I’ve already talked about why engagement matters in my previous blog here. If you want to…

Some email newsletters land in your mailbox and you instantly hit delete, making a mental note to mark it as spam. Other emails catch your eye right from the subject line and you’ve opened it before you know it. Which one would you want your…

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