Marketing Insights

There are lots of different types of email marketing, from nurture campaigns to upsell emails. The best results I’ve seen for my clients have come from using a mixture of different strategies. But which strategies should you use? For successful email marketing in your business,…

Email marketing is the gift that just keeps giving. But, like all the best gifts, it can take a bit of effort to get it just right. I’ve helped clients go from a tiny email list to a fully automated email marketing process that consistently…

When it comes to marketing, it’s all about the relationships you create. Before you can even think about putting an offer in front of someone they first need to know, like, and trust you. Selling too soon simply won’t work – there’s a reason they…

I send thousands of emails per month for my clients and one thing has really stood out in recent times – emails that include video have the best engagement. I’ve already talked about why engagement matters in my previous blog here. If you want to…

When it comes to marketing, there’s one thing that you really have to understand: it’s all about relationships. Getting someone to hand over their hard-earned cash to you isn’t always easy. There are tons of marketing tips and tricks promising to boost your bottom line,…

Some email newsletters land in your mailbox and you instantly hit delete, making a mental note to mark it as spam. Other emails catch your eye right from the subject line and you’ve opened it before you know it. Which one would you want your…

Having a simple and effective landing page (or squeeze page) is one of the best ways to build your email list and grow your sales. But what exactly makes a landing page good? In previous blogs, I’ve talked about the elements of making a successful…

When it comes to email marketing, open rates are everything. You can have the greatest newsletter or the best sales email copy in the world – but if no one opens it you won’t get any results. I’ve written before about email subject lines and…

How many times have you created a sales email only to find you hear nothing but crickets back? Or worse still, a flurry of unsubscribers from your data list? Too many businesses write off sales emails as a waste of time because ‘they don’t work’….

Creating email content that connects with your audience and builds a relationship can have a seriously positive effect on your sales. Research shows that sending regular emails to your list increases prospect engagement and boosts sales conversion rates. But you can’t just send anything and…

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