Marketing Insights

Getting more people on your email list is one of the most powerful ways you can grow your business and increase your sales. In my last blog post “Bought or Built: Should You Buy Data To Grow Your Email List?” I explained why building your…

Email marketing is a hugely profitable way to grow your business. It’s low cost, low risk and – despite what some people may tell you – hugely effective at converting sales. But there’s one problem… You can’t send emails if you don’t have anyone to…

Why Leaving Your List Unloved Could Be Costing You Thousands Ask any business owner or coach what they want and they’ll answer the same thing: more clients. More clients means more money, but it also means more impact and more people helped. What if I…

Derek Halpern from Social Triggers says, quite forthrightly, “if you’re not building an email list, you’re an idiot”. Curses aside, it’s hard to disagree with him. It’s also true that you can never have more customers than you have names on a list. I believe…

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