Marketing Insights

Picture this. You’ve put time and effort into creating valuable content to drive readers to your website. Blog posts, social streams, nurture campaigns… You’ve probably forked out on a marketing automation platform, too. You’ve done it all. And it has worked. Website traffic is up….

Email marketing is the number one most effective marketing strategy, but you can still get it wrong. If no one is reading your emails then you’ve already lost. Unfortunately, a lot of businesses go into email marketing unprepared and they end up missing out on…

Email marketing is still one of the easiest ways to make more sales. Boasting an impressive return of £36 for every £1 spent, it’s both affordable and extremely cost-effective. AND it succeeds across all industries because it is scalable and customisable. Pretty impressive stuff. There…

An opt-in email list is a key pillar of email marketing. Readers who subscribe permit you to send interesting, engaging content to them, and successful email marketing involves sending consistent emails. Why? Because nurturing the relationship you have with your readers by popping up in…

Writer’s block spares no one. Have you felt it? Brain fog. Lack of inspiration. Complete inability to focus. You need to get some writing done, but nothing is happening. The screen has remained blank for hours, maybe days. You’re a rabbit in headlights. So you…

Getting more people on your email list is one of the best ways of achieving better conversion rates and making more sales. … If they’re the right people. For a start, the humans behind the email addresses should be interested in buying your services. If…

Let’s be honest here. If no one opens your email, you’ve wasted your time writing it. As well as ALL of the brilliant content within it. Have you got time for that? Email marketing is still the #1 marketing strategy, bringing in an impressive £36…

Unread marketing emails are wasted opportunities. It’s paramount that your email stands out in a crowded inbox to get opened, and that’s precisely the role of the subject line. Adding emojis to email subject lines is an easy strategy to implement, and plenty of businesses…

In the world of modern business, some consider email marketing a fossil. And it’s true in a way. By today’s standards, email marketing is old. But then even the internet itself is getting on a bit.  The momentum of new technology production conditions us to…

Boring emails are actively disengaging. You know the kind. Dry, dreary content that doesn’t even try to get you on board. Content must be interesting and valuable to engage its audience. Making sure your emails are rich and engaging means your readers will keep reading….

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