Quick quiz – name that brand! A fizzy brown drink with a red label Bright yellow M Green mermaid with two tails I bet it didn’t take long – these are recognisable brands that have mastered the art of being at the top of your…
You do have a sales process, right? Being a fan of winging it is all well and good in the early days, but with a sales process, sales become more consistent and reliable – and that’s a good thing. A sales process works best when…
“I am passionate about my work.” You’ve heard it before, hundreds of times. Who hasn’t read a website or a marketing flyer from a business claiming to be passionate about what they do? Maybe they are. Maybe they are truly passionate, barely able to contain…
Ah, the email newsletter! One of the cornerstones of online marketing, and you’re on top of it. You have it under control – you’re dedicated. It’s consistent and well-managed, it’s interesting, it should be perfect… …but you’re not seeing any sales from it. What gives?!…
It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day hustle of running your business, but sometimes you need to step back and make sure you’re reaching the right people. You can find out by asking yourself some simple questions… Are you attracting the right customers?…
Writing persuasive copy is more difficult than you may think. If it were easy, we probably wouldn’t be bombarded by so much rubbish online and in our inboxes daily. There’s plenty of copy out there, but how much of it is actually effective at persuading…
Satisfied customers are often more than happy to provide you with a positive review. These testimonials and case studies are important for any business because they very efficiently exhibit exactly how your product or service has solved your customer’s problem. But what makes a good…
It’s fair to say that there are slightly different opinions on what the term value proposition actually means. So, for ease and simplicity, let’s start from the beginning… What A Value Proposition Isn’t Your value proposition is NOT… Your Company Strapline Or Slogan If you’ve…
I know, I know. You’re sick of the jargon. Open rate, lead bait, segmentation… You just want to convert more leads into paying clients. Am I right? I thought so. Well, as luck would have it, that’s exactly what a sales funnel does. What Is…
Modern buyers are savvy. We tend to do a huge amount of research and comparison before engaging with a company, even if they’re selling EXACTLY what we’ve been looking for. One method many businesses use to guide potential customers through their sales funnel is the…