Because email marketing seems so easy and effective, it’s easy to think it does all the hard work for you – but the truth is that just like everything else, it’s a skill that requires practice, patience, and perseverance to get right. On the way,…
Your personal brand is unique. It’s a combination of your skills, your experience, and your personality… Ultimately, it’s you. And no one else has that. When you’re looking to promote something unique about your product or services, nothing is as powerful as you, but how…
AI rules the world! At least, that’s what you’d think if you listen without thinking to the scaremongering that threads its way through the marketing world. And, as an adjunct to the rise of our robot marketing overlords and the worldwide ubiquity of social media,…
Let’s start with a question: how many times have you written an email, then read it over too many times, edited it, rewritten it, and then still been nervous about sending it? Maybe you still have a few of these in your drafts… It’s more…
As an email marketing professional with all this great advice, I must get my subscribers to read every single one of my emails, right? After all, they are perfectly constructed with pertinent advice – it must be nearly impossible to resist them! But no. People…
For as long as humans have enjoyed food, drink, and each other’s company, they have enjoyed stories. During much of our history, stories were the primary way of passing information down from one generation to the next, and many of those still endure: Ancient Greek…
At this time of year, we can feel Christmas in the air, and it’s a wonderful thing. Mince pies, chestnuts roasting on an open fire, twinkling lights, hundreds of emails hitting our inbox with offers and discount codes… Ah, yes, the Christmas email marketing splurge….
You do have a sales process, right? Being a fan of winging it is all well and good in the early days, but with a sales process, sales become more consistent and reliable – and that’s a good thing. A sales process works best when…
Anyone who regularly reads my articles knows just how powerful email marketing is and how in the right hands, it can propel your sales forward, improve brand loyalty, and help keep you at the very top of your game. Admittedly, email marketing falls short of…
AI is here, and it’s growing. We’re in the AI era, where software from chatbots to productivity tools exists with AI at its core. You may not even notice when it’s in use; for example, when Netflix recommends new shows based on your viewing history,…