Marketing Insights

Ever wondered how businesses make the most of their sales? Want to know how they create unforgettable customer experiences? Then consider this article your white rabbit, Neo… In this article, I’ll unveil the secrets of the Magic Matrix—a powerful system that takes cross-selling and upselling…

When organising an event, you want to know you’re getting the best speakers. They’ll need to be able to do a few things for you and your guests. They must first provide a draw to new customers, and an interesting speaker is always a point…

When it’s your business, it can feel like you’re wearing all the hats. And if you’re not skilled in a certain area, your business suffers for it. That’s where outsourcing comes in. No time to reconcile your receipts, expenses and income? A bookkeeper will do…

If you’re doing email marketing – or any marketing for that matter – you should keep track of how things are going. KPIs (key performance indicators) help you to measure your success in achieving your desired outcome. Without them, you’re floundering. It’s a bit like…

A good speaker can make or break an event. But how can you know who will be a good speaker? Sure, they might have a flashy logo, a buzzing website and look the part – but that doesn’t necessarily make them right for your event….

Thinking of starting a LinkedIn newsletter? Wondering if you should switch from your regular newsletter to this one? Not even sure what a LinkedIn newsletter is? Even if you feel like you’re late to the whole ‘newsletter’ party, you can still benefit from it. Since…

Your to-do lists are longer than they should be. With so many digital marketing strategies now live and kicking, it can be difficult to know where to focus your energy, like you should be trying everything. But doing it all right from the get-go often…

Email marketing is old news, isn’t it? We’ve been doing it forever. That might be so, but it’s still the best way to reach and win customers. Did you know the buying process happens 3 times faster in email than in social media? And according…

ChatGPT is hitting the headlines worldwide. Have you heard of it? The online AI chatbot has gone viral, gathering 1 million users in a mere 5 days. This is seriously impressive growth when you consider Instagram took a slow and steady 2.5 months to gain…

It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day hustle of running your business, but sometimes you need to step back and make sure you’re reaching the right people. You can find out by asking yourself some simple questions… Are you attracting the right customers?…

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