Top 5 Email Marketing Mistakes (And How to Avoid Them)

Because email marketing seems so easy and effective, it’s easy to think it does all the hard work for you – but the truth is that just like everything else, it’s a skill that requires practice, patience, and perseverance to get right. On the way, you are going to make mistakes – which is great because mistakes are how we learn to get better at things.

How can you learn, however, if you don’t know what mistakes you’re making? To help, here are five of the most common email marketing mistakes – and what you can do to stop doing them!

Mistake 1 - Inconsistency

Inconsistency is the silent subscriber killer. I know; I made that seem mysterious, like an assassin lurking in the darkness. Truth is, though, that pretty much nothing makes your email marketing campaign a waste of your time more than being inconsistent.

What do I mean by that? Well, sending emails out sporadically without any plan or follow-up. It’s a bit like starting a conversation and then disappearing for weeks. People forget you’re there and when you do pick up the pace, it’s hard for them to remember what came beforehand.

Your subscribers are going to lose interest and forget about you – essentially, you’re starting again each time.

The Fix

This one’s easy to fix – stop being inconsistent! There’s plenty of software out there that can help you schedule your emails and stick to it. Set regular deadlines to get your emails written, and another deadline to get them sent out – plus a few to check the results! It’s also good to have some stuff written ready to go in case something comes up that threatens to derail your great scheduling.

Mistake 2 - Too Much Selling, Not Enough Value

If every email you send out is filled with pushy sales pitches, you are going to quickly lose your audience. No one wants to be hassled! 

The Fix

Instead, apply the 80/20 rule here, with 80% of your email marketing focused on providing value, and only 20% hammering home the promotions.

What do I mean by value? Things people want to read that will help them:

  • Tips
  • Insightful content that shows your expertise
  • Useful resources that build trust

When people read your email list because it’s relevant and interesting, the sales pitch is much more palatable.

Mistake 3 - Weak Subject Lines

If you want your email to never be read, make it look boring from the outset. Seriously, weak subject lines will see your emails getting a fast pass to the bin – or worse, they’ll be so irrelevant they’re not even worth trashing!

Your subject line is the first impression – make it count!

The Fix

Write a compelling subject line that’s intriguing and relevant. Apply your customer data to make the content call out to them – at the very least, consider using their name. Create a sense of urgency and use strong verbs that are action-oriented and persuasive, like:

  • Transform – This makes people think of a positive change in their life.
  • Explore – Come on an adventure with me and find something new.
  • Improve – Make your life better.
  • Earn – Who doesn’t want to make more?
  • Join – Be part of something…
  • Unlock – Oooh, something secret to find!

Want to know more about crafting subject lines? Why not read this article? 

Mistake 4 - Boring Content

You got them to open your email (thanks, Great Subject Line!), but when they get there, it’s dull as ditchwater, and no one is paying much attention. This can be for so many reasons, like hitting a wall of text – no one wants to open an email and find a heavy-duty block of 500 words, trust me!

The Fix

Make your emails look good. Split the text up with plenty of white space, use graphics and fun animations, and make the content memorable.

Storytelling is a perfect way to make your email engaging – I’ve talked about it before in this article, so if you’re not sure, why not read that too? 

Plus, it doesn’t hurt to be funny – even if you’re only a little bit funny! 

Mistake 5 - There’s No Clear CTA

If you don’t make it easy for them to take the next step, you just threw away all your hard work. A CTA (which stands for ‘call to action’) is a clear instruction – usually a link – that they can follow to do whatever it is you want them to do. No call – no action.

The Fix

Every email should have a clear call to action, whether that’s a link to the product you’re trying to sell, a link to a contact form, or a phone number to call – something for them to do now! Once the email is closed, it’s going to be forgotten, so make sure they know what to do.

Oh, and a CTA doesn’t mean pushy sales (see mistake 2). A CTA can be friendly and helpful, it doesn’t have to be forceful (and rarely should be).

Want to see an example?

Improving Your Email Marketing with Help from Nathan Littleton

Want to get some one-to-one advice on your email marketing – why not drop me a line? 

(See – it’s that simple! I look forward to hearing from you.)

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