What Are You Doing To Stay Top Of Mind?

In an ideal world, all the people who came across your website or marketing would buy from you right away. But the world we’re in is far from ideal, and often, people don’t become customers for some time.

But how can you make sure you’re who they think of when they need what you offer?

Some of the strategies to keep you at the forefront of your dream customers’ minds might surprise you…

Why Do You Need To Stay Present?

Because if someone has agreed to hear from you (via your marketing emails, etc) then there’s a nugget of interest. At the moment that they signed up for your newsletter, they made a decision that there was a medium to high chance they’d buy from you.

Because people only hand over their details or sign up for things if there’s interest.

But for some, there’s a long way to go from sign up to purchase. It can be a matter of days or even years before you’ve built up enough of a relationship, trust and authority in your area to convince that person you’re the one to go to.

And if you’re absent at the moment, they decide you’re someone who could help them, who knows what other businesses might come along and swipe up your potential buyer.

By being present in the lives of your customers and potential customers, you’ll be the go-to solution when they’re ready to reach out.

So, How Do You Stick In The Minds Of Potential Customers?

You want to be top of the list in someone’s mental Rolodex. You know, the thing people used to store contact details before our phones became address books.

If you haven’t even made an impression, you won’t feature in their metaphorical phonebook of industry experts. So, of course, the very best thing you can do is start doing anything that gets you into their vision and into their mind.

But how do you get to the front of their theoretical mental Rolodex – and stay there?

Be Consistent

If you’re a regular reader of my blogs, you’ll know that we talked about the power of consistency recently.

Staying in the inboxes of your subscribers is, by far, the best way to be recalled when the time comes. Emails are the strongest approach to marketing, and they hold remarkable power in this context too.

Creating and reliably sending engaging and useful emails will create an impact that lasts. Over time, and not even that much time if you do it well, your audience will begin to value your insights. They’ll start to foster a trusting opinion of your expertise and view you as a resourceful and helpful figurehead in your field, whatever that may be.

Newsletters are a softer way to offer this. They allow you to combine news and updates with offers and products. In this format of intriguing and inspiring content, you can sew the seeds of sales without being pushy. After all, it’s a newsletter; its primary purpose is to inform.

But you must commit to sending them regularly. Because that part is so difficult, your consistency is what will make you stand out.

Be Available

By being prepared to talk with your clients or even those who are yet to be clients, you show them that you’re ready when they are.

I’m not suggesting giving full consultations for free, but just showing that they can reach out and get a personal reply is enough. Being approachable goes a long way in this age of automated helplines and AI live chats.

Consider setting up simple avenues for your customers to talk to you. You can make calls or create groups on WhatsApp or social media to stay in touch with your clients. This is a great way to check in and keep up to date with where they are within their businesses or lives.

Plus, you’re encouraging that all-important trust once again, all the while creating real, human connections.

Be Approachable

Your personality, or that of your brand, will have a lot to do with how people think of you.

It isn’t rocket science; approachable and authentic brands give customers a feeling of comfort and trust.

People buy from people they like. If they can connect with you and your purpose on a personal level, they’re much more likely to feel they can put their faith in your services and products. On the other end of the spectrum, if you and your brand only ever engage in surface-level conversations and boring marketing, you won’t make any friends, and you also won’t make any sales!

Instead, with a memorable, friendly and personable vibe, you’ll come to mind as someone they want to do business with or give business to.

One way to do this is to recommend things you think they’ll find useful. It’s thoughtful and helpful and creates a feeling of reciprocity and goodwill.

Be Clear

Lastly, you need to be clear about who you are and what you do. If you’re sending out vague marketing, assuming everyone knows what you do and how it can help them, you won’t be easily remembered.

My best advice for clarity? Talk about the problems you solve – this type of thing is ideal for an email newsletter. One of the best ways to do this is by briefly sharing case studies and client stories, real-world examples of real-world problems and solutions!

Doing this highlights your skills and can make your emails more relatable and compelling for your readers.

Even if someone is not in a position to buy, they’ll remember the stories of people who had problems similar to theirs and who had success working with you.

It's All In The Details

All of these things will help to keep you visible while your would-be customers are out there in the wild. By being consistent, approachable and available, you create the perfect environment for being the one they remember when the time comes to buy.

Ready to strengthen your brand’s presence and become an unforgettable choice? Reach out to me today and find out how I can help your business thrive through email.

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