How To Write Persuasive Copy – A Total Beginner’s Guide

Writing persuasive copy is more difficult than you may think. If it were easy, we probably wouldn’t be bombarded by so much rubbish online and in our inboxes daily. There’s plenty of copy out there, but how much of it is actually effective at persuading us to read or click or purchase?

The answer is very little! But worry not – this guide has been designed to help you write persuasive copy and get the results you want. Following these guidelines will help you keep your reader engaged so that when they decide to take the next step and make a purchase, you are their first choice.

1. Be Consistent

Consistency is key. It is impossible to be persuasive without being consistent with your content. Whether that is being consistent with the frequency that you provide content or consistency with the tone of your content. Consistency helps you build a relationship with a client.

For example, If you start sending e-mails weekly, building up trust with your readers, and then start to dwindle and send the odd e-mail once in a while, you will lose the trust you have spent so much time building up. Your readers will be expecting that e-mail and its content, and you have let them down. Being consistent maintains trust, and that trust is important if you want to persuade your readers to buy from you.

Similarly, if you are writing blogs and have used a particular tone throughout, or taken a certain stance, you must remain consistent in it. If you change, your readers will become suspicious and lose trust in you.

2. Find The Objections

Think carefully about the reasons why somebody would not buy from you specifically and address those objections. Maybe you’re more expensive than your competitors, or maybe you’re new to the field and don’t have as much experience as others in your sector. Write about it! Tell them why you’re more expensive and why, even though you don’t have the experience some of your competitors do, you are qualified in other ways.

Identifying any objections people have to buying from you, then addressing them head-on, will help alleviate any worries they have. Leaving you to get on with persuading them with the good stuff.

3. Use Bold Statements

Using bold – and even controversial – statements in your writing is a great way to engage the reader and keep them interested.

Let’s take using a statement like ‘Your writing is boring!’ as an example. A statement like this will either affirm or challenge the reader’s beliefs. They will either think: ‘That’s what I thought. If I read on, maybe I can find out how to make it better!’, or: ‘No it’s not, my writing is great. If I read on, I’m sure I already do everything this suggests!’.

Either way, you are keeping the reader engaged, and they are reading what you want them to. Job done.

4. Tell Stories

We, as human beings, love a story. Even the most boring of topics can be made to sound interesting when it is turned into a story.

Your inspiration can come from literally anywhere – an encounter you’ve had with someone at your local coffee shop, crossing the road, or a conversation you’ve overheard in a bar. Stories help us to share our experiences and make sense of the world. And as a marketing tool, they can help deliver key messages and build trust with a reader.

If you use examples of your personal life to tell a story, your reader will feel like they are getting to know you personally, therefore, making you more trustworthy and reputable. We’ve talked about this before – People buy people, remember? So try to give your writing a personal touch by telling stories about your daily life; that way, people feel like they’re getting to know you.

Even better, tell a story of how you have helped another client. If the reader can relate, then you’re on to a winner in terms of getting them on board.

5. Have A Clear CTA

All content needs a clear Call To Action (CTA). For those who are completely new here, a Call to Action is what you tell your reader to do next. This could be commenting on or liking your blog, clicking on a link, or giving you a call.

CTAs are important as they help complete your content. Readers don’t like uncertainty or to be left hanging; they need to know what it is that you want them to take away from what they have read.

The most important thing with CTAs is to keep them clear and simple, and not to overload the reader with them. You only need one CTA per piece, and it is always best to make them small steps, such as the examples above. Taking it too far and asking your reader to ‘BUY NOW!’ will only scare them away.

For more help with this, you can read my previous blog: What Makes A Good Call To Action

You Can Do It!

Though writing persuasive copy is not an easy task, it is possible! Content marketing is one of the most effective ways to build trust and show readers you are knowledgeable in your field. So sit down and give it a go, following these guidelines

If you’re lacking inspiration, then you can also check out my blog: How To Avoid Writer’s Block.

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