What Type Of Email Marketing Should You Do?

In the world of digital marketing, there’s no time for hanging back. Every business needs to find effective ways to connect with their audience to stay in their customer’s realm of attention and – more importantly – grow with them.

Now, there are plenty of email marketing methods, but one strategy reigns above all for its unparalleled impact: the regular email newsletter.

To give you the best chance of getting results like a seasoned email marketing pro, let’s explore what makes email marketing work…

What Types Of Email Marketing Is There?

Before we get into the importance of consistent and high-value email newsletters, I’ll briefly cover the different types of email marketing to give you an idea of your other choices:

Promotional Emails

This type of email is designed to draw traffic toward specific offers, products or services. The goal is to drive sales right then and there.

Lead Nuture Emails

This kind of email involves directing your potential customer list through a purpose-built sales funnel. You provide the necessary info and build relationships to get customers over the finish line.

Survey Emails

Survey emails are a vital source of feedback from your audience. They can be based on any specific topic or aspect of your business or industry, and you’ll understand their needs and preferences better for it.

Onboarding Emails

You get a new client or subscriber, and this is the email they receive! These can be for new signups, customers or memberships. They usually guide your customers on what happens next.

Re-engagement Emails

Losing subscribers or customers? These emails have the singular aim of re-engaging customers with your brand when they’d otherwise be lost to the ether.

Newsletter Email

Newsletter emails are regular, content-rich emails that provide intrigue, benefit, insight and valuable resources. They keep your audience engaged with you as an industry authority and build their relationship with your brand.

Which Is Most Effective?

It’s all about strategy.

All types of marketing could successfully grow your business and client base if you do it right. In fact, mixing things up with a variety of email types can be the quickest route to higher open rates and better sales.

But it’s newsletters that will be your muscle, offering something unique and reliable where other brands may stumble.

Why Consistency In Email Marketing Matters

People are creatures of habit. We like routines. Morning routines, gym routines, workday routines – we all have the things that we like to be done a certain way.

And a newsletter is a lovely, routine email marketing tool. Whether weekly, monthly, quarterly or other, it’s regular and… well, routine.


There’s one thing about routines that we don’t like – change. Like when the supermarket moves the beans, or Facebook changes its layout. It throws off your groove.

So, how do you make your newsletter part of your customer’s routine?

Becoming Routine With Email Marketing

Firstly, start with low expectations. A new newsletter is going to interrupt someone’s routine. It might get ignored.

But if you send consistently, you stand a much better chance of becoming part of someone’s routine.

Now, breaking someone’s routine isn’t always bad. If done right, your first newsletter can be a disruptor. Something that breaks a routine in such a compelling way that people want more. It makes what you follow up with all the more simple.

And once you have established your consistency, as long as you deliver interesting, useful information, you become familiar and trusted. People even look forward to your newsletter.

Consistency Within Your Consistency

As well as being regular with what you send, how and when you send it must also be consistent. Remember, once your customers know they rely on you to deliver something, you can’t let them down.

You need to have a distinctive style, and you can do that in a few ways. Find a certain way of presenting your brand that fits perfectly with your audience. You can even consider adjusting your style to each specific email list – for example, your B2B newsletters might have a different vibe than your B2C newsletters.

Tone of voice
Achieve a recognisable tone of voice that could be picked out in a crowd. Craft your newsletters in a conversational but knowledgeable tone – or whatever best reflects your brand personality.

This is a seemingly simple one that’s equally easy to get wrong. Don’t forget the basics – use recognisable brand colours, assets and logos that carve out a clear identity.

In the same vein, keep your newsletter layout consistent so it looks familiar and stays easy to read.

Of course, there are always good moments to break from the norm. Something different can catch your customers ‘ eye when you have a big announcement or an important offer.

Making Your Email Marketing Stand Out…

Newsletters give your marketing an excellent return on investment, and when done right – with consistency – you’ll see an uptick in business.

If you want all the good that comes from a newsletter but have none of the will to do it, we can do it for you. Why wait? Get started with email newsletters and watch your email list (and sales) grow.

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